Alljährliche Drubchen-Zeremonie in Tsoknyi Gechak Ling zum Wohle aller Wesen und der Welt
Gerne teilen wir ein wunderschönes und berührendes Video der diesjährigen Drubchen-Zeremonie mit Ihnen! Rinpoche hat uns voller Freude mitgeteilt, dass es dieses Jahr ganz besonders sei, weil die grosse Puja zum Wohle aller fühlenden Wesen und die ganze Welt, erstmals im neuen, nun fast fertig gebauten Tempel stattgefunden hat.
«Tashi Delek everyone! Every year we are doing an annual big puja for the well being of all sentient beings, especially for the people who put lot of energy to our nuns project, so we are dedicating for them and for the world, for everyone and their indivdual practice. But amazing is, this is first time we are doing this in the big assembly hall of the new tempel. It is 95% finished so I’m really exited. Before we used to do it in a small tempel next to the new building. Now the new tempel is almost finished, still not 100% finish, but we are doing it the first time in this new building, Gompa, because we have more more nuns.»
28. Oktober 2020